The food ministry at Windy Cove has a long lineage dating back to January of 1985 with the development of the 2 cents a meal offering. Our church partnered with some regional churches to fight the battle of hunger globally and locally. At its beginning, 75% of the donations went to world hunger and 25% to our local community. From then on, the ministry developed into the ones we have today. 100% of donations given to the ministry today go directly to local residents. Those donations include money from area businesses.
The Food Pantry occurs on the second Tuesday of every month. The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank provides all food for the Food Pantry. The recipients must meet financial requirements as outlined by the USDA.
The third Tuesday of the month brings the Food Truck to Windy Cove. This part of the ministry began in 2015. Recipients are not required to meet financial requirements.