Sunday School for all ages 9:45 AM
Sunday Worship - 11:00 AM
Wednesday Evening Prayers - 6:00 PM
(nursery always available)
From the first Sunday in June until Mid-September we worship outside at our picnic pavilion. Therefore, there will be no Sunday School during that time, and worship services begin at 10:00 am.
Our most important activity as a church is the regular worship of God each Sunday. In worship, we give God the praise and honor due to Him and give thanks for His call to be his disciples. At the same time, we listen for God's continued good news for our lives as God comforts, encourages, exhorts, and teaches us in the midst of our lives. We include congregational singing with a blend of contemporary songs and choruses, traditional hymns, choir anthems, Bible reading, preaching, and prayer. We celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper on selected Sundays. These acts seal to our hearts the grace of God in Jesus.